Workshops accelerate skills development.

We are a team of subject matter experts (SMEs), here to help you upskill your teams, redefine strategies and create a workplace where your talent wants to stay and thrive.

What is a Workshop?

A structured session designed for a small group of employees (normally between 6 and 10 participants) to learn about a specific skill or topic. Workshops involve group-work and hands-on exercises, created to give employees the opportunity to practice the skills they learn.

What’s included

  • 120-180 minute or 1-day live session

  • 6 to 10 seats

  • Expertly led Q&A

  • Language: English.

*Some courses can be extended to 6 weeks.

Where it takes place

Virtually or in person.

Our team is based in London, UK and we are open to travel to your location.

*Travel and accommodation are not included.

How to get started

  1. Submit your request using this form.

  2. Let’s meet to align objectives

  3. We’ll craft and deliver impactful workshops.

Ask any questions using our Get In Touch page.

Our Best Selling Workshops

Building a skill-based organisation

OBJECTIVE: explore how to build a skill-based organisation that complements AI capabilities and develops skills essential for success.

KEY THEMES: understanding the Role of AI in the Workplace, identifying human-centric skills for collaboration, and defining strategies for employees’ skills development.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES: increased awareness and understanding of the role of AI, Improved adaptability, resilience, and innovation among employees, leading to enhanced productivity and performance, establishment of a foundation for ongoing skills development and organisational readiness for future technological advancement.

Career Ownership

OBJECTIVE: empower professionals to take proactive control of their careers, utilising internal resources and networks and pursuing opportunities aligned with their goals and values.

KEY THEMES: self-assessment and skills definition, goal setting, exploring career paths and transitions, change management, personal branding.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES: self-awareness, defined career direction and purpose, balancing learning with on-the-job activities.

The Art of Public Speaking

OBJECTIVE: empower professionals with the skills, confidence, and techniques necessary to deliver compelling speeches and presentations in public settings, such as conferences, meetings, or events.

KEY THEMES: define the type of presenter you want to be, manage nerves and perceptions, structure a presentation, engaging an audience effectively.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES: present with confidence, and leverage problem-solving and decision-making skills to influence your audience through the power of effective story-telling.

More Workshops

  • OBJECTIVE: equip mentors with the skills, knowledge, and strategies necessary to effectively guide and support their mentees.

    KEY THEMES: focus on effective communication, building trust, fostering growth, and navigating challenges in mentor-mentee relationships.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Mentors will be prepared to provide meaningful guidance, build strong mentoring relationships, and facilitate the personal and professional development of their mentees.

  • OBJECTIVE: Prepare sponsors to advocate for their protégés, providing opportunities for career advancement and visibility within the organisation.

    KEY THEMES: Emphasise strategic advocacy, networking, leveraging influence, and identifying growth opportunities for protégés.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Sponsors will be equipped to actively support and promote their protégés' career development, leading to increased visibility and advancement within the organisation.

  • OBJECTIVE: help your team develop and practice key skills to communicate effectively and convey messages clearly.

    KEY THEMES: communicating with clarity, tailoring messages to your audience, overcoming barriers, building relationships,

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: ability to articulate ideas effectively and confidently, enhanced listening skills and reduce misunderstanding.

  • OBJECTIVE: teach professionals how to craft and deliver compelling stories that captivate audiences, convey messages effectively, and inspire action.

    KEY THEMES: understanding and practising the impact of stories, leveraging different techniques for different contexts and purposes.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: greater self-awareness and deeper understanding of the impact on others, utilising easy-to-apply strategies to create positive interactions.

  • OBJECTIVE: empower more senior professionals to redefine their personal brand and leadership style, enhancing their presence, and self-awareness to make a positive impact, build strong relationships, and lead teams effectively.

    KEY THEMES: self-awareness assessment, focusing on communication and assertiveness, building strategic relationships and redefining how we show up at work.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: greater self-awareness and deeper understanding of the impact on others, utilising easy-to-apply strategies to create positive interactions.

  • OBJECTIVE: equip professionals with the knowledge, strategies, and techniques needed to effectively persuade and influence stakeholders.

    KEY THEMES: understanding the dynamics of influence, framing messages, leveraging emotional intelligence, trust and tactics to negotiate win-win outcomes.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: develop persuasion techniques to influence stakeholders and achieve the desired objectives.

  • OBJECTIVE: equip professionals to express themselves effectively, stand up for their rights and beliefs, and communicate assertively in various situations.

    KEY THEMES: conflict resolution, self-advocacy, expressing thoughts clearly, setting boundaries, saying no.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: improved active listening and communication to create positive relationships. Define needs, opinions and boundaries confidently.

  • OBJECTIVE: support professionals looking to design, deliver, and facilitate effective training sessions or workshops for their teams and organisations.

    KEY THEMES: understanding the principles of adult learning, leveraging key strategies to develop engaging training programs, defining outcomes, logistics and giving feedback.

    EXPECTED OUTCOMES: create and run engaging training sessions that bring real value to attendees and positively impact learning metrics that benefit the organisation.